How Muslimshaadipoint Works:-

For General member

bullet Submit filled registration form.
bullet Pay a registration/processing fee. It is not refundable.
bullet We assign you a reference number that becomes your identifier.
bullet We create an online profile of candidate. (Without picture)
bullet Your real identity such as Name and contacts will remains withheld. (Registered interested members can only get such information).
bullet You are encouraged to go over the profile section of  members on our website and e-mail/write to us the reference numbers of interested candidates to whom you want to contact with and we will send your particulars to them for their perusal consideration. Once the opposite party also agree to initiate communication telephone numbers will be exchanged.
bullet In short telephone number can be exchanged by mutual consent of both the parties
bullet From this point onwards, it will be left up to the two parties to deal directly with each other and arrive at their own decisions.

At last, the results are in Allah's (swt) hands but due to our efforts, the fruits of our services have been enjoyed by many. We wish you every success in finding your marriage partner Inshallah!



bullet Submit filled registration form.
bullet Pay a registration/processing fee. It is not refundable.
bullet We assign you a reference number that becomes your identifier.
bullet We create an online profile of candidate. (Without picture)
bullet Your real identity such as Name and contacts will remains withheld. (Registered interested members can only get such information).
bullet Then we start sending profiles on your whatsapp number matching your flexible requirement . Then we will send your profile to the profiles you liked for their consideration. If they also like your profile then telephone number will be exchanged
bullet In short telephone number can be exchanged by mutual consent of both the parties
bullet From this point onwards, it will be left up to the two parties to deal directly with each other and arrive at their own decisions.

At last, the results are in Allah's (swt) hands but due to our efforts, the fruits of our services have been enjoyed by many. We wish you every success in finding your marriage partner Inshallah!



We do not check and verify the information that is supplied to us by the candidates. It is the responsibility of registrants, or their parents and/or guardians, to verify the information others have given about themselves. When information is sent to the requestor, it is entirely up to that person to verify its accuracy or seek any additional information to make a decision. Muslim Shaadi Point Services takes no responsibility for the validity of information provided by the applicants (members) to its Matrimonial Services representatives.

We like to see all candidates registered with us off our rolls quickly. But, unfortunately, the main stumbling block we run into is that quite a few of them have such rigid criteria that it is very difficult to find a match. For example, most of the girls (or their parents/guardians) want a MD and nothing else is acceptable. On the other hand, most of the boys want a "beautiful" girl who must be highly educated and smart. We do not believe that anything is wrong with that except that our beloved prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has advised us to marry primarily for piety and religious adherence. Beauty, wealth (or potential for that) and lineage should be secondary.





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