ABOUT US Muslimshaadipoint is marriage bureau at the posh area of Aligarh i.e Sir Syed Nagar, near Aligarh Muslim University, since last many years. Muslimshaadipoint provide the largest platform for Muslim Matrimonials from all over the world to find their suitable life partners, and we work like a family member. This islamic marriage bureau site offers Muslim Matrimonial marriage matchmaking services which helps in finding a potential match for you. In this jet age, when people can't devote much time for socialising and nobody takes responsibility for others, Muslimshaadipoint gives professional services to all the strata of society for arranging marriages of their children. Muslimshaadipoint marriage bureau makes the world small for the people and tries to abolish caste system and dowry system. Muslimshaadipoint takes active interest in widow-remarriage and re-marriage of divorce ladies. Muslimshaadipoint helps out in arranging marriages of disables and handicappes. For the handicappes the work is always done free of charge.
" Muslimshaadipoint Marriage Bureau" is the biggest, most successful, trustworthy marriage bureau favourite amongst cultured well-settled, well educated affluent Muslims in India & Abroad. Here one to one personal service attention is given. Here candidates are not kept in the open exhibition for sale. Here all the information is kept strictly confidential. " Muslimshaadipoint Marriage Bureau" is the No. 1 marriage bureau for Muslims. While searching for suitable groom / bride, main problems faced are: (1) Parent do not give complete information of the candidate. (2) People speak lie regarding education, income, habits, family background, brake of engagement, liking & disliking of the candidate and finally regarding horoscope. (3) Candidate himself or herself do not know his / her choice clearly (4) Candidate and his / her parent do not want to make a compromise even for very small things which have no value in the life: such as a small but sufficient residential place, nos. of brothers and sisters of the candidate (more precisely of groom) location of the residential place of the groom, joint family etc. etc. (5) The working girls are asked to resign from the job before the marriage take place even though the groom’s earning is less than that of girls. (6) In the present time, girls are very brilliant, smart, more educated professionally and earns more than that of the grooms and these qualifications creates more difficulties for them. (7) Parents of the candidate have one choice and the candidate may have another choice i.e. Parents want to go towards South direction and candidates want to go towards North direction. Due to this confusing situation, they reject the right candidate. (8) Some immature groom take the suggestions and advices from their friends which creates very confusing & difficult situation. (9) After the meeting of the family of boy and girl, some of the parents do not care to give a proper reply whatever it may be. Particularly, it is an insulting situation for the family of the girl. (10) Relatives do not take interest in suggesting the bride or groom for the candidate and therefore the candidate and their parent have to go alone for this difficult job. These are the major reasons, due to which the situation for searching of right candidate have been worsened and therefore, marriage bureau’s presence is essential. Looking to the facts as stated above, Muslimshaadipoint marriage bureau try to give meaningful services to its members . The manner in which
Muslimshaadipoint shall work is as under: (2) Muslimshaadipoint team shall visit the house of the candidate if he / she resides in Aligarh to take assessment of his / her life style and also talk with the parents of the candidate for my satisfaction. Conversation and personal meeting are the best tool for judging the way of thinking of the candidate and his /her parents. (3) Muslimshaadipoint team will remain in constant touch with the candidate and his/her parents by way of Telephone, E mailing or by correspondence. (4) Muslimshaadipoint team will try to understand the thinking and liking and disliking of the candidate. (5) Muslimshaadipoint team shall select & suggest the right candidate from the list available with us.
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